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Andrea Bachman

Mrs. Andrea Bachman
Associate Registrar and Database Support
Alumni Parent

Anne-Marie  Balcer

Mrs. Anne-Marie Balcer
Registrar and Database Manager

Sam Banziger

Ms. Sam Banziger
Upper School Teacher

Paul Barney

Mr. Paul Barney
Communications Manager

Nancy Blaha

Mrs. Nancy Blaha
Lower School Librarian

Lisa Brogan

Mrs. Lisa Brogan
Co-Director of College & Career Planning Center

Rian Brown

Ms. Rian Brown
Upper School Teacher

Paula Cable

Ms. Paula Cable
Upper School Administrative Assistant

Robin Chandler

Ms. Robin Chandler
Chief Financial Officer

Kelly  Christian

Dr. Kelly Christian
Schafer Center Clinical Director/Clinical Psychologist

Bryan Cioffoletti

Mr. Bryan Cioffoletti
Director of Athletics

Chris Cossel

Mrs. Chris Cossel
Lower School Administrative Assistant

Harrison  Coy

Mr. Harrison Coy
Upper School Building Substitute

Julie Cummings

Ms. Julie Cummings
Lower School Teacher

Brandon Davis

Mr. Brandon Davis
Upper School Maintenance

Julie DeArment

Ms. Julie DeArment
Upper School Administrative Assistant

Brianna DeLollis

Miss Brianna DeLollis
Lower School Teacher

Vanessa   Diffenbacher

Mrs. Vanessa Diffenbacher
Associate Head of School/Head of Lower School

Briana Diller

Ms. Briana Diller
Associate Director of Enrollment Management

Kelly  Dlugolinski

Miss Kelly Dlugolinski
Business Department Specialist

Andrew Eibel

Mr. Andrew Eibel
Upper School Teacher

Jayne  Eiben

Ms. Jayne Eiben
Director of Institutional Advancement
Alumni Parent

Casey Elmore

Mrs. Casey Elmore
Lower School Teacher

Douglas Emancipator

Mr. Douglas Emancipator
Director of Middle School

Melanie Erdelyi

Mrs. Melanie Erdelyi
Lower School Teacher

Lea French

Miss Lea French
Upper School Counselor

Emily  Glontz

Mrs. Emily Glontz
Upper School Teacher

Amy Hepker

Mrs. Amy Hepker
Lower School Dean of Students

Shannon Galambos

Mrs. Shannon Galambos
Upper School Teacher

Mary Garrett

Mrs. Mary Garrett
Administrative Assistant

Sally Garza

Ms. Sally Garza
Upper School Director of Educational Technology

Alexa Goodwin

Mrs. Alexa Goodwin
Learning Support and Onboarding Specialist

Nicole Grabowski

Mrs. Nicole Grabowski
Upper School Learning Specialist

Isaiah Graham

Mr. Isaiah Graham
Upper School Teacher

Joy Hall

Mrs. Joy Hall
Upper School Teacher

Douglas  Hamilton

Mr. Douglas Hamilton
Head of School

Brandy Hankerson, LPN

Ms. Brandy Hankerson, LPN
Upper School Nurse

Alaina Hebebrand

Mrs. Alaina Hebebrand
Upper School Teacher

Penny Heiman

Mrs. Penny Heiman
Lower School Facility Manager

Scott Herlein

Mr. Scott Herlein
Upper School Teacher

Colleen Hotz

Mrs. Colleen Hotz
Upper School Teacher

Marianne Hughes, LPN

Ms. Marianne Hughes, LPN
Lower School Nurse

Edward M.  Hume

Mr. Edward M. Hume
Upper School Teacher

Michelle  Hurst

Mrs. Michelle Hurst
Executive Assistant to the Head of School and Board of Trustees

Domenic Iorillo

Mr. Domenic Iorillo
Co-Director of College & Career Planning Center

Gary Ising

Mr. Gary Ising
Director of Campus Life

Rama Janamanchi

Ms. Rama Janamanchi
Upper School Academic Dean

Laura Jones

Mrs. Laura Jones
Director of Marketing and Development

Sarah Kearney

Mrs. Sarah Kearney
Director of the Academic Center for Enrichment

Tracy Keenan

Mrs. Tracy Keenan
Grants Specialist

Jackie Kennedy

Ms. Jackie Kennedy
Upper School Teacher

Alexander Kubinski

Mr. Alexander Kubinski
Upper School Teacher

Chrisann Kwiatkowski

Mrs. Chrisann Kwiatkowski
Lower School Teacher

Kathy Lang

Ms. Kathy Lang
Administrative Specialist

Benjamin  LaRiccia

Mr. Benjamin LaRiccia
Upper School Teacher

Emily  Lauster

Dr. Emily Lauster
Schafer Center Postdoctoral Fellow

Kim Linehan

Mrs. Kim Linehan
Case Manager

Elizabeth Lipinski

Mrs. Elizabeth Lipinski
Lower School Academic Dean

Cathy LoCascio

Mrs. Cathy LoCascio
Lower School Teacher

Shanika Lovelace

Ms. Shanika Lovelace
Head of Upper School

McKenna Ludrosky

Miss McKenna Ludrosky
Lower School Teacher

Jodi Lyle

Mrs. Jodi Lyle
Upper School Learning Specialist

Mariah Magistrelli

Miss Mariah Magistrelli
Lower School Teacher

Jason Marotta

Mr. Jason Marotta
Network Technician and IT Support Specialist

Rachel Maust

Ms. Rachel Maust
Upper School Teacher

Stafford Merk

Mrs. Stafford Merk
Upper School Teacher

Lyndsay Miller

Ms. Lyndsay Miller
Lower School Teacher

Amanda Munici

Miss Amanda Munici
Upper School Teacher

Yelitza Nieves-Caraballo

Ms. Yelitza Nieves-Caraballo
Upper School Teacher

Ellen Paterson

Mrs. Ellen Paterson
Lower School Teacher

Julie Pavlik

Ms. Julie Pavlik
Upper School Learning Specialist

Mary Beth Petzke

Mrs. Mary Beth Petzke
Admission Office Coordinator

Julia Polaski

Miss Julia Polaski
Upper School Teacher

Susana  Rangel

Ms. Susana Rangel
Lower School Maintenance

Charlie  Richter

Mr. Charlie Richter
Upper School Teacher

Michael Rotman

Mr. Michael Rotman
Upper School Teacher

Anne Salzgeber

Mrs. Anne Salzgeber
Lower School Teacher

Jyll Schenault

Ms. Jyll Schenault
Case Manager

Shawn Sedlak

Mr. Shawn Sedlak
Lower School Maintenance

Willis  See

Mr. Willis See
Upper School Maintenance

Jason  Sepsi

Mr. Jason Sepsi
Lower School Director of Educational Technology/Teacher

Amy Sheeler

Ms. Amy Sheeler
Director of Student Advocacy & Support Services

Anna Shelow

Ms. Anna Shelow
Lower School Teacher

Liat  Shyken

Mrs. Liat Shyken
Case Manager

Wendy Skinner

Ms. Wendy Skinner
Upper School Teacher

Susan Speer

Ms. Susan Speer

Shaun Spencer

Mr. Shaun Spencer
Upper School Maintenance

Jeff Starner

Mr. Jeff Starner
Social and Emotional Learning Specialist

Patty Sternad

Mrs. Patty Sternad
Upper School Teacher
Alumni Parent

Julianne Tam

Ms. Julianne Tam
Director of Advancement Services, ISACS Coordinator
Alumni Parent

Jesse Tenorio

Mr. Jesse Tenorio
Director of Information Technology

Nathan Thompson

Mr. Nathan Thompson
Upper School Teacher

John Thompson

Mr. John Thompson
Upper School Teacher

Joseph Timco

Mr. Joseph Timco
Director of High School

Cassandra Tisch

Mrs. Cassandra Tisch
Upper School Teacher

Jessica Troike

Mrs. Jessica Troike
Lower School Teacher

Katie Troy

Mrs. Katie Troy
Lower School Teacher

Melissa Tullis

Mrs. Melissa Tullis
Director of Alumni Relations and Associated Special Events
Alumni Parent

Rick Vargo

Mr. Rick Vargo
Upper School Facility Manager

Renee Voth

Mrs. Renee Voth
Schafer Center Administrative Coordinator

Stacey Watson

Mrs. Stacey Watson
Upper School Teacher

Erin Werth

Mrs. Erin Werth
Marketing and Advancement Associate

Courtney Williams

Mrs. Courtney Williams
Director of Enrollment Management

Dianne Wilson

Mrs. Dianne Wilson
Upper School Learning Specialist

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